Tips for finding accommodation abroad

The adventure of moving abroad often begins with the challenge of finding the perfect apartment. Finding accommodation abroad can be complex, but with the right strategies and preparation, the process can be made much easier. We have compiled a list of essential tips for finding accommodation abroad:

  1. Prepare well in advance: start your search 3-4 months before your planned move. The winter months are often cheaper as there is less demand.
  2. Valid documents: Make sure you have a valid residence and work permit.
  3. Budget planning: Determine your budget and take all costs into account to avoid any nasty surprises.
  4. Market research: Inform yourself thoroughly about the local housing market. Different types of apartments and locations should be included in your considerations.
  5. Real estate portals and social media: Use platforms to find suitable listings.

With these tips, you will be well prepared for your apartment search abroad. The key to success is comprehensive preparation. Good luck with your move abroad! UTS is at your side every step of the way - with experience, expertise and commitment. Start your adventure abroad with us at your side.

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