Statement on the current COVID-19 situation

For about 35 years, one of the core values of UTS is that we care about our employees and our customers. This core value helps us responding to the big challenges of the coronavirus COVID-19 which has been declared pandemic by the WHO.

Our sympathy is with everybody who has been affected by this unforeseeable incident. We honor the hard work of the health-care professionals, the employees in the public administrations as well as the governments who are doing their utmost to limit the spread of this virus.Please be assured that UTS is constantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation. Preventive measures have been implemented in order to ensure the health of our employees and customers during the service provision.

We are aware that due to the COVID-19 crisis Relocation- and Moving Services are not priority for our customers.However, we would like to point out that the safety of our employees and customers is priority for UTS. Thankyou very much in advance for your confidence in UTS to be you partner for current and future services.

Hereafter please find some information about the measures we are taking to grant priority for your safety:

1. You book a service with UTS
You can be assured that UTS is doing the utmost feasible to stay operational for you. We monitor the announcements of the WHO, the governments and the public health authorities as well as the global developments in our UniGroupnetwork regarding the COVID-19 crisis. We closely follow all instructions of the local and public health authorities. We implement their recommendations regarding the appropriate measures for health and safety within UTS and UniGroup.

2. Before the service is provided
UTS prearranges the booked services based on the local requirements and conditions. Should the need of changes come up, we will proactively contact our customers and propose possible solutions.

3. During the service is provided
UTS understands that due to the COVID-19 virus we need to be even more attentive towards our daily tasks. Our employees are constantly being briefed and informed about local and global developments in order to take this into consideration while managing the services you booked with UTS. This helps us to immediately react to a new situation, e.g. finding solutions to protect your household goods.

We also must point out that necessary changes and modifications to the planned services may result in additional charges. You can be assured that UTS will communicate them to you and tries to keep them to a minimum.

We are aware that we are going through turbulent and uncertain times. UTS assures that your safety and your wellbeing is priority, be it if you booked Relocation- or Moving Services with us.

Whenever you need us – we are here for you to help.

Axel Schurbaum

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