Moving to the United Arab Emirates

Your destination is Dubai or Abu Dhabi?

We understand that perfectly. The United Arab Emirates score with a high standard of living, dreamlike landscapes and strong economic growth. It is therefore all the more understandable that Dubai and Abu Dhabi in particular are becoming increasingly popular with emigrants.

If you too are interested in moving to the United Arab Emirates, then it is definitely worth taking a look at our country page. Here, interested persons will find all the important information they need for a move to Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Co.

  • How long does it take to transport my belongings to Jebel Ali?
  • What do I have to consider when entering the country?
  • Is my German driving licence valid in Dubai and Abu Dhabi?
  • What are the average rental prices?


You can find the answers to these questions and many more here.


Do you have individual questions? Of course we are always there for you. You are welcome to use our contact form for this purpose. Click here for our contact form

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