History of the removals

Something for the history lesson today


Moving is an important part of human history. For thousands of years, people have changed their places of residence to adapt to new environments, to find a better quality of life or in search of work and prosperity.

In ancient times, people often migrated in search of better pastures for their herds. In the Middle Ages, there were many moves due to wars and religious conflicts. Later, in Europe, many people migrated to the cities to work in the workshops and factories that were created by the Industrial Revolution.

In the last 50 years, the reasons for moving have expanded even further. For example, many of our clients are often looking for better living and working conditions, better schooling for their children, or because of changes in their personal lives such as marriages or divorces.

The way removals are carried out has also changed over the centuries. In the past, people often had to carry their possessions themselves or load them onto oxcarts. Today there is us, the UTS - we help in many different ways, whether at home or abroad. Where do we "pack"?

 1. packing and packing - your items will be packed safely and neatly so that nothing is damaged during transport and storage.
 2. transport - your items will be transported from your current place of residence to your destination, with interim storage if necessary.
 3. customs formalities - we take care of all the necessary customs formalities for your international move.
 4. storage - your items will be stored in a secure warehouse in case you are unable to move into your new home immediately.
 5. insurance - our insurance partners will help you cover even complicated moves.
 6. delivery, unpacking and setting up - get settled in your new home without delay with UTS.

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